CS&SS 490

All Data Minor students will take CS&SS 490 before graduating - most likely during senior year. CS&SS 490 is taught yearly in Spring Quarter.

In Spring 2025, CS&SS 490 will be held on Mondays from 4:30-5:50 pm. 

  • CS&SS 490 are restricted to students in the Data Science minor. 
  • Priority is given to students who are graduating before the next offering of CS&SS 490. Students are guaranteed a seat in the class during their senior year.
  • No prerequisites.
  • Direct questions about CS&SS 490 to Data Science Advising at dataminor@uw.edu. Do not contact CS&SS Advising.

You will not be able to register for the course on your own. If you would like a seat in the class, you must submit the request form, which will be available early Winter quarter. 

Alternative Capstone Petitions

The capstone is a required course for all students to complete the minor. This course is only offered in Spring quarter once per year. The exact day and time of this course is announced in Winter quarter. If you are unable to take the capstone course, you can submit a petition for an alternative capstone experience for the following reasons: 

  • Time conflict with a required major course
  • You are graduating before spring quarter 
  • Another reason (ex. studying abroad during spring quarter) 

Your petition must include a letter (can be a PDF of an email) from your major adviser supporting your reason for needing the alternative capstone experience. We recommend you submit the petition at least one quarter prior to your graduating quarter. The alternative experience is online and asynchronous and will be due by week 3 of the quarter in which you are graduating. In the form, you will be asked to explain your reason and upload the letter from your major adviser. You must submit your request for the alt assignment by the end of week 1 of the quarter in which you are graduating. 

CS&SS 490 Petition

A data science minor adviser will review your request and then send you the alternative capstone instructions.

Data Science Minor

Leverage familiarity with data science in fields outside of data science, and gain skills and fluency to work with data in your major domain of study.

Drop-in advisingInformation Sessions