About the Minor

Students in the Data Science minor will gain literacy and fluency in data science methods and understand their implications for society and the world. This minor helps students leverage familiarity with data science in fields outside of data science, and gain skills and fluency to work with data in their major domain of study.


  • Help students to leverage familiarity with data science in fields outside of data science.
  • Help students gain skills and fluency to work with data in their major domain of study.
  • Set students up for success in emergent “translator” roles on heterogeneous teams comprised of data scientists and domain experts. For example, they will be poised to provide expertise in policy, design, social theory, ethics, etc. on a data science team.
  • Serve as a stepping stone toward acquiring more advanced skills and degrees in data science.

Data Science Minor

Leverage familiarity with data science in fields outside of data science, and gain skills and fluency to work with data in your major domain of study.

Drop-in advisingInformation Sessions