
Students in the Data Science minor will gain literacy and fluency in data science methods and understand their implications for society and the world. This minor helps students leverage familiarity with data science in fields outside of data science, and gain skills and fluency to work with data in their major domain of study.


  • Help students to leverage familiarity with data science in fields outside of data science.
  • Help students gain skills and fluency to work with data in their major domain of study.
  • Set students up for success in emergent “translator” roles on heterogeneous teams comprised of data scientists and domain experts. For example, they will be poised to provide expertise in policy, design, social theory, ethics, etc. on a data science team.
  • Serve as a stepping stone toward acquiring more advanced skills and degrees in data science.

Declaring the Data Science Minor

To declare the Data Science minor students must have:

  • Declared a major
  • Completed at least 45 credits

Changes to your major/minor are posted once per quarter; the minor can be declared and posted any time during the quarter. You can declare the Data Science minor with your departmental adviser.

How to choose: Data Science Minor or Data Science Option

Some majors have a Data Science option, such as Statistics, Geography, and Atmospheric Sciences. If your major has this option, we recommend doing the data science option within your degree program. However, there may be circumstances where the minor is a better fit.  Connect with us or your departmental adviser to disuccss the differences in more depth.   

Staff and faculty

Ben Marwick

Professor and Director of Data Science Minor
Denny Hall 230

Kyla Mayer

Assistant Director of UAA Advising
MGH 141

Gina Pieracci

Lead Academic Adviser - UAA Advising
MGH 141

Michael Rich

Academic Adviser - UAA Advising
MGH 141


Data Science Minor

Leverage familiarity with data science in fields outside of data science, and gain skills and fluency to work with data in your major domain of study.

Drop-in advisingInformation Sessions